Monday, December 25, 2017

the everyday miracle

God, the Ancient of Days,
broke forth from Mary,
a teenager from a tiny town.
God knows the newborn with no bed
because God was one of them.
God knows a people
harassed and helpless
because God was one of us.
By taking the most common name
God did what was most uncommon.
When the Word became an infant who had no words
God did a whole lot of listening;
God made himself dependent
on the care of those who cared not for him.
God became hungry;
he whose hand sustains us
was sustained by the hands he made.

“Why such Love?” I wonder.
Maybe God made himself small and unimportant
so he could slip inside our self-important, shriveled hearts.
After all, we are too small for God’s kingdom
because we are too big in our own eyes.
How shall we cling to pride
when God showed us his humility?
Let us humble ourselves before the Child,
whose single purpose was to Love,
the very picture of Dignity undignified.

Christ, Child of Love,
be our abiding Peace and eternal Joy.
Grant us Faith, humble King:
as we age, let us mature to childhood.


The Everyday Miracle
by Troy Cady
Christmas 2017

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